The Enlightened One:
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Edited by: Jendhamuni
A dedication to the Lord Sakyamuni Buddha on Makha Puja Day
Song Title: Dawn
by: Tomas Walker
Some elevating and good comments on Buddha's teachings about the video from you tube
* lovely video my dear friend God bless! love & peace ~rajesh
* Isn't it curious the similarity of St Francis of Assis'and Siddhartha Gautama Buddha's lives? I mean their lives have so many parallels: both born from a wealthy family and many years later decided to give up all material attachement in search for spirituality and wisdom.
Don't you think it may be the same incarnation in different places and time?
Replies : Yes, that is so true!
For the incarnation, I will have to do some more research. You may be right.
Exactly! That was the very first thing I recall wondering when studing world religions. I always had the impression that Buddah and St. Francis of Assis are the one and only (the same) incarntion.
And you know what? I studied in Franciscans' and missionaries schools when being a child/teenager :)
As for the incarnation, I suggest you do some reasearch on Christianity, Hindu and Buddhism.
* when we can see through our delusion which is caused by attachment, we no longer hold greed, anger, hatred toward anyone, you will come to a realization, without any of negative thoughts, you mind will be provoke to have compassion for other beings who is suffering with attachments. With compassion, like "bodhisattva", they realize enlightenment but choose to stay and help sentient beings attain enlightenment before they attain buddhahood.
* when having compassion, then you will of course have forgiveness. That doesn't mean you dont have compassion if you are not enlightened. Everybody have compassion, it's just covered up by delusions. When enlightened, you have compassion, wisdom, and let go of your attachments, therefore you are no longer only think of yourself only, But for ALL beings,therefore you will have ultimate compassion for all beings.
I hope it was not confusing
* first I really love this video, thank you for posting.
For those that do not understand, Shakyamuni Buddha(Gautama) taught that THERE ARE sufferings in life. Life is not always suffering but there is suffering. You were born, grow up, turn ill, then die. Within that period of time, you suffered alot such as losing someone close, such as feeling the pain from anger, hatred, greedy, because these attachment caused suffering.
* His teaching is that, if your mind is at ease, at peaceful state, if you can let go of attachments that cause suffering. You will feel ultimate bliss, true happyness. That is true enlightenment, then enter nirvana, BUT if you cling onto your attachments without letting go of it, it will caused you to take rebirth in Samsara, with rebirth due to your karma over and over until you reach enlightenment.
You cannot deny that people doesn't suffer in life no matter what
* in buddhism practice, there are precepts and sometime you ask why people recite, first recite buddha(the enlightened being)names is to provoke the buddha nature within us that is buried deep down by delusion of attachments. We all have buddha nature, "buddha" just simply mean the awakened one. Also believe is buddhas/bodhisattva will protect/bless/guide you as you recite. It also help you to focus your mind, so you can see through delusions.
* Zutararox, you are defending bhuddism, and then you say that an afterlife doesn't make sense. What do you call reincarnation and nirvana?
replies : Reincarnation is if you fail to reach nirvana, you come back to earth. If you reach nirvana you have suceeded in letting go of everything in life and merging with one with the universe, Nirvana.
One can only imagine how Siddhartha would react to the Sokka Gakki practice of chanting with the intention of receiving material wealth, objects, status, and so on. It seems to be counterintuitive in light of the limited principles of Buddhism I've been exposed to through online documents and videos. Of course I realize that type of research hardly makes me a scholar on the topic so my confusion may just be due to ignorance.
* I dont recall the exact detail though ;p.
In any case, when i hear story of wisdom and faith it has always brought me to a peaceful state of mind. And to say im not even hardcore buddist praticioner
* There was a meeting held in 90s with the Dalai Lama and many well respected eastern and western practitioners (Jack Kornfield, Steven Levine, etc).
During the meeting a female Tibetan monk told the people in attendance stories of the present day treatment of women in monasteries in the east. How this had been usual practice for over two thousand years.
Afterward the Dalai Lama put his head into his hands and wept.
And then promised to that woman that it would not continue to be so.
* I was taught once in a buddist history class that a women once asked buddah himself if women would be allowed to become monks(this is before women can be monks of course) and buddah at first said no. Soon later he changed his mind, and when she asked him "why did you not let women become monks in the first place"? He said somthing like about the lifespan of Buddism will be cut short from 10,000yrs to 5,000yrs, however, it is unfair to deny women of the path to enlightenment.
* One thing that is irksome is when people thing the buddha is fat. When did that start? That fat buddha lookalike is the Thailands (Dont remember the name of the religon) god of booze. The buddha is skinny. Very very skinny. And you dont rub is belly.
Its irksome when you tell someone this and they flip out.
replies : Actually the image of the fat buddha is a symbolic one of his spiritual englightenment. In Chinese, the center just below your navel is called the Dan-Tien and is where you channel your energy through during qi-gong and Tai-Chi. That is why there is a great focus on breathing and the Dan-Tien during such meditative exercises.
and so the Buddha being portrayed as having a big belly is just a symbolic image of him having an extremely well developed control of his life force energy coursing through his body through the Dan-Tien. Siddartha Gautama wasn't fat either in the physical sense because he taught his disciples to take care of the body and mind, and to avoid extremes (too skinny/too fat).
Thanks for clearing that up.
* No, the Lord Buddha is not God. He himself stated that he isn't God; he simply said, when asked if he was a god or a sage, "I am awake". That is, he awoke from the state of illusion thinking that Ultimate Reality is the world itself, when in fact it is the Atma (soul) itself that is Ultimate Reality
and upon awakening from our illusion and showing loving kindness and compassion, we too become englightened ones and join the many thousands of Buddhas before us and attain Nirvana. I am a practicing Zen Buddhist.
* I am an American Buddhist and that ONE quote says so much
* He is Lord Gautam Buddha know as the Enlightened One! The lord of Buddhism and they are showing wat he thought the ppl "His Teachings"- Have compassion for all human beigns,rich and poor alike that means treat all ppl equally,some suffer too much some little! and he's a man he's a GOD so stop asking such q's
im a hindu from india and buddhism started from india so i know abt it!
* This is very good interpreting video! After I watch this video and watching to the full moon at night I feel like the Buddha's face is smiling to me! Warning: Whoever don't think i am crazy, my mind still good. :P
* oom mani padme hoom
* very nice like world peace
* Fabulous video! Great quotes! Peaceful music!
Buddha image in the full moon means a lots for the maghapuja day! Thanks sister jend!
* Thank you for this, may Dharma quickly flourish!
* What a Beautiful Video Dhamma Sister Jendhamuni Sos! You did an excellent job on this video for The Enlightened One.
* Very Beautiful, Peacefull way of wisdom,
The music very mello, both happy and sad.
Realy nice Sister, Thanks
* Dear Jendhamuni,
It is perfectly appropriate for the Makha Puja ceremony beginning today.
Your artistic skill improves so much.
It is an occasion to produce a poster.
* I'm impressed Jen. Very impressed.
* From one video to one video You did much greater and greater, Dhamma sister! This is the wonderful job you did. This is one other perfect way. Peaceful and beautiful video and music. Thank you Dhamma Sister!
Related Labels
Buddha music videos
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
THE ENLIGHTENED ONE - Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Posted by
Alpesh Patel
6:47 AM
Labels: Lord Buddha
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