Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Meditation and Meditation Technique


Earlier post was about Meditation and Relaxation. We now proceed on How to do Meditation and Meditation Technique.

How to meditate

Meditation is the greatest and the most beautiful experience one can experience in this earth frequency. The above video will guide you to reach the Meditative State and enjoy the journey from Body-Mind Consciousness to Self Consciousness.

For meditation the first thing is the Posture. You may sit in any posture. The posture must be very comfortable and stable. We can meditate either on the floor or on a chair. We can meditate in any place wherever we feel comfortable. Sit comfortably cross your legs, clasp the fingers now close your eyes gently. Stop inner or outer chatter, don’t chant any mantra . Just relax … totally relax, just relax. When we cross our legs and clasp our fingers energy circuit is formed and gives more stability. Eyes are doors of the mind so eyes should be closed. Mantra chanting or any chattering inner or outer are the activities of the mind so it should be stopped. When body relaxes consciousness travels to the next zone mind and intellect. Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. There are numerous thoughts always coming to the surface of the mind. Whenever there are thoughts in the mind we may get many questions known or unknown. To transcend the mind and intellect one has to observe the breath. Observation is the nature of the self so one should just witness the breath. Don’t do conscious breathing. Don’t inhale or exhale consciously. Let inhalation or exhalation happen on its own. Just observe the normal breathing. This is the main key, this is the way. Don’t go behind the thoughts, don’t think to quires, questions or thoughts. Cut the thought, come back to the breath. Observe the normal breathing, be with your breath. Then the density of the thoughts reduces slowly breath becomes thinner and shorter. Finally breath becomes smallest and settles like a flash in-between the eyebrows. In this state one will have no breath and no thought he will be totally thoughtless. This state is called Nirmalsthithi or no thought state. This is the meditative state. In this state we will be under the shower of cosmic energy. The more meditation one dose the more will be the cosmic energy one receives. This cosmic energy flows through the energy body. It is also called the etheric body.

Few interesting comments from you tube:

* it allows you to become one with soul and allows for inner peace and creation within' themselves and a vote for creation for the world!

* this is an incredible explanation, thankyou!

* ive never seen medatation done this way and it does clear up alot of thing

* i tried not breathing during meditating, i felt like my brain started to vibrate and my whole entire body started to feel something flowing outside my body and im 14 and it actually feels so and now i do this every day

* Really Great video. A one step closer to Vippassana/Manomyitthi/Kamadan and one step closer to universal. Hope you all success this..:D

* nope, not at all, your suppose to be not concious of breathing through the whole thing, only concious of the breath. it works like this, when your brain focuses, it needs more oxygen so it demands faster breathing. so your body would take quick short breaths until it was nothing, and then you would get into a high level of focus type of state. I try to do this meditation whenever i can in school. heightens awareness and throws away stress. so i can focus on my work.

* thanks for this nice explanation video

* i think ye meri jindagi ka eak imp video rahega,ill share my exp after practising of all this

* Excelent clear explanations. Finaly I think I understand how and why...Or is my sensation that I undestand...I know is a long way...but Thank you!

* I love this meditation clip, thanks for posting it!

* Great video!

* thank you, this works

* hahaha dude that was funny! but thus technique is so powerful and can affect your daily life...

* bless you a million times. thankyou so much for sharing this

* I'm chillin out now... Good video on subject, I think.

* Wow, that was really great, thank you for posting that!!!

* this is incredible

* That was very usefull to see. I m a meditater too, but this is a tecnique I never saw. I am gonna test it.

* this video realy helped me i wanted to try meditation for ages but i dont understand that cosmic energy does for us

* theres lots of reasons why people meditate but i do it to relieve stress ... do you know how bad stress is for you?

* Meditation is you will be toughtless no thinking relaxing finding yourself no worries nothing it helps i do it like 3 houres a day and i have more energy then a pony now lol

* excellent study guide for those looking into breathing meditation :D Although I have to agree with the majority who say mantra meditation can have its benefits...I find that saying a phrase over and over again whether mentally or verbally straightens the mind out and focuses all ones' thoughts normally allotted for daily activities into one streamlined energy path towards the betterment of the person saying it ^_^

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