Saturday, June 7, 2008

God ? Does God Exist ?

A beautiful inspirational musical video that talks about the existence of God, containing wonderful messages from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You are not a god created
By human hand
You are not a god dependent on any mortal man
You are not a god in need of anything we could give
By your plan that's just the way it is
You are God alone
From before time began
You were on your throne
You are God alone
Right now, in the good times and bad
You are on Your throne
You are God alone

You're the only god whose power, none can contend
You're the only god whose name and praise will never end
You're the only god whose worthy of everything we could give
You are God, that's just the way it is

That's what you are
You are God alone

God Alone - Scott Sutton Band
lyrics by Billy Foote

God has saved us and called us to a holy life –
Not because of anything we have done
but because of his own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in Christ Jesus
before the beginning of time. – 2 Timothy 1:9

For as the heaven higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:9

“For I know the plans I have for you”,
says the Lord, “Plans to prosper you
and not harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future”. – Jeremiah 29:11

The following comments were shared on you tube:

* He Who is in You is Greater Than He Who is in the World. When The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me He told me that

* awesome! Fantastic job with the video!!

* Love it!

* How anyone can see all of creation around them and not believe in the Creator God is beyond me. Praise to God for all of His amazing works. Thanks for posting. Beautiful song and video.

* Thank you

* so who or what created God, it just goes on forever, I think the universe is the way it is because it is the way it is, nobody created it. There is no real purpose to life, it just happens. Evolution>>>Bible

* what if...God IS the Universe? If the universe is sentient....

* if god exists then how the heck did bonnie langford get here?

* intresting... i gues... i wunna kno now, does KARMA exist?

* The Bible says we Reap what We Sow. Some could call this Karma, but the truth remains. God gave us the right to believe what we want to believe no matter how un-scriptural it might be. But simply believing something is not a guarantee that we will be with Him in Eternity.

* Love it! I believe in God and Jesus his son, for I have seen Jesus and Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the father, so I have seen God too.

* Why deny what is good? but yet u accept what is evil.

* anyone who says there is no God, is uneducated and unlearned. If you closely study the Bible and Science(not evolution) you would understand that the universe was made by him. universe: uni- means one , verse-means spoken(hence universe means one spoken)so go educate yourself and get some facts before throwing your opinion out there.

* The Bible was written by man, the bible says Dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. The bible is trash. The definition of universe means nothing

* you obviously have some belief in GOD because you took time out of your life to look at this video.
personally i think its AMAZING. I LOVE GOD,YOU SHOULD TOO.

* fact is 100% of all people whoever lived, died. you to will die. no one has lived forever. your soul will meet God and you will spend eternity somewhere. you are not invincible or immortal. you will meet death. are you prepared to meet God? if you died today, do you know where your soul would spend eternity(ETERNITY=forever, w/o end). Just a thought. Think on it.

* and to continue off of kimberly, this is something I saw on tv.

To say that there is no gold in China, you have to know what is in everyones mouth, in every diamond, and in every part of the country. Now to say there is gold in China, all you need is one piece of gold anywhere in the country.

Same as in saying there is no God. You need all evidence leaning toward you saying that, but to say there is a God, all you need is one thing to support that saying.

* That is a brilliant comment - Thank you!

* Beautiful... I do believe in GOD and his son Jesus. HE is the best answer on the question why all is as it is! Thanks for this, I really enjoyed it. One question: Who is the musician of this wonderful song? Love Philip

* i believe in God adn i love him more then anyother thing in the world but i respect a person who shoopse how they feel cuz every one has a right to how they feel but i still wih more people would come to knwo God but its there choice.

* And to swampdog28, As far as i'm concerned, when you die, you just get judged. I live my life the best I can and will never depend on lies or atheism as a crutch.( For the same argument could be used of atheism, a crutch so I can live the way I want to live, and thus not have to worry about actually being held accountable to God).

* God exists! I used to be an athesist until I went out fishin' one day and I saw him! I got the whole thing on tape. I was kinda disappointed though because I was expecting a MAGNIFICENT long-white beard, but he was actually kinda short and stubby, and looked a lot like the KFC guy.

* i hate to be a negative person, but you did not see God. God cannot look at sin, and if you saw him in person on earth, he would have to be in a sinful place and he never will be in a sinful place.

* really now? what about god being omnipotent? Isn't he like supposed to be everywhere at once? Suddenly there are things that he can't do? Have u even read the bible?

* I forgot some stuff, because of Jesus on the cross, and rising again, once we are saved, our sin is forgiven, so God can be with us in our heart, before it was covered with sin, but now it has the Holy Spirit which is part of the trio of God. Back to seeing God, you probably saw an angel. The Bible says, (can't recall where), something about us entertaining angels and not knowing it. Or else you could have seen a person that you saw God in like a strong Christian.

* I was being sarcastic about the god thing. I'm an atheist.

* Everything around Bible has been either a power nightmare or an intelectual struggle for humanity. Bible is an obsolete compilation of moral instructions and historical events of some simple fishermans and their herritage on this planet.
Why should we consider those moral principles to be higher than the ones we have today in our secular and materialistic society?

* Just listen to the 10 commandments: one or two are fine, which is love you God....and be honest. The rest is a police matter: Don't kill, don't betray your spouse, don't steal and the resto of the "don't" commands.That doesn't belong to a highly spiritual (non material) scripture containing transcendental knowledge about God and our purpose in life.

* In 1917 three small children witnessed three visits of the Virgin Mary. At the third visit, she mentioned that there will be a miracle to be performed for the people. THOUSANDS of people witnessed this miracle and many atheists converted ON THE SPOT. Scientists could not provide an answer and remained baffled. They do not deny it as happening. Atheist cannot answer when presented with these events.

For more on this, google "Our Lady Fatima" "Miracle of The Sun" and "Zeitun".

* of course there is a God. that's just the way it is.

* god does not exist why dont you stop centering your life around fiction and accept thatthere is no god

* God is not fiction. my faith can't be shaken by non-believers. just wait, god will change your life.

* I don't see what's so evil about believing in God. Do you believe in Satan then? If I hadn't found God, I would have committed suicide already.

* The Lord exists! That's a fact. In fact we (humanity) are getting closer to Him every day.

* My faith was tested when my dad died suddenly,I thought my dad done good and never harmed anyone so how could god take him away?
Then on the other hand god only wants good people in heaven, i realised my dad had earnt his wings

* if people ask ''how do you know your god is the 1 out of all the others'' well for a start our god is a living god, while all other gods are dead, people have had spiritual experiences since heaven and hell people coming back to life and claiming they saw hvn/hell, other religions are made up of rumours and it is often changed muslims worship our god, but they gave him a name and a religion all because an angel spoke through someone to stop people doing wrong.

* also jews worship the same god as above basically the same thing with muslims because of when moses freed isralites, for roman catholic rumours were made bible changed the reason angels have halo's was because of the pagan sun god.

* and also the bible basically taught people how to be good and not be evil just from the ten commandments.

* jezus christ exist there is proof of that!!! and god does exist some people feel it some not the one hwo doesn't feel it wil never meet him

* No one can prove god does not exist, just as it is impossible to prove without any uncertainty-that he does. Science and evolution, however, have every right to continue to investigate the questions of man's existence in the meanwhile.

* markotraco, Yea, Jesus was a human. God came down through in human form. If there was evidence of God, you would believe it easily...but wheres the test in your faith in that?

* In general, people need to realize that faith isn't something that depends upon physical proof. To those who question spirituality remember that these laws created through science are just theories that have correlations and does not mean that they are the way things happen exactly. And to those who have a religion, remember that your holy book (bible, Koran, whatever) are interpretations of MAN and how they believe their god wants us to live, so don't so blindly follow without question.

* God my father bless him for he is etrnal:)

* god does not exist. you are an idiot if you believe in god.... if really then peoples who belive in god annoys me....ALOT!

* ah, ah god still still have time to be save open you heart and he will enter in you heart and give you from is fountain full of piece and holiness, he will bless has he has bless me keeping the 10 commandments. Maybe you will not listen, BUT IS THE TRUETH

* your are an idiot for not believing without him YOU are nothing ( You are just nothing, living with no purpose in life, live only to die tomorrow and never exist....harsh he is life ( keep leaving without purpose, keep living this earth that is temporary, Since God gave you a chance to live )) just let time pass so you can die without purpose and see his glory but maybe would be late.

* wow god is real okay!
lets say he is real and you dont believe and you burn just cuz you didnt believe in it. what do you have to lose if you do believe in him

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