Spiritual movie for 11-11
Please note that watching this movie will have an effect on you.
You will energetically be linked with the Movies energy and a similar process facilitated with you.
Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the date of producing the movies.
You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.
Some comments from you tube to tell more about the video, comments from a varied people gives much more insight
* uuuummmmm hhhhhaaaaaa loved it relaxing , deep penentrating and every pore of our being is filled by this wonderful soooothing music every atom is ossilating n vibrating cosmic energy being filled ! try it
pl spread the word around
* Ohh so pretty and very relaxing, but has a great upbeat tempo to it- my favorite type of mix.. if you like this you would love NAID, he has the same type of relaxing and soothing music yet very upbeat..he also mixes indian chants and vocals with nordic electronic beats..it is amazing..just like this!! you can check it out at kosmic music . com..very good stuff!!
Thnx a million for that link, its just great! Posted on marinasmasters dot com as well, go take a look on this great music-site and spread the word! :-)
* Wonderful!! Thank you very much!
* relax!awesome best!!
* great i love it
* The life is sacred..the love is sacred..the meditation is sacred..Thanks for the nice video and the inspiriring musik!
* its ' Sacral Nirvana' by "OLIVER SHANTI & FRIENDS"......it was also plagiarized into the song "Tu Hi Meri Shab Hai" from the hindi movie "Gangster"!! :) :)
* Wow... even don't know what to say... amazing...
* one of my favourite songs
* this music makes me sleepy
* sounds gud
* The name of the song is Sacral Nirvana by Era.
* its one of enigma songs
* Iwould also like to know who makes this music so beautiful
* You are great!So funny!You made me laugh out loud!Thank you! I love the song and the video!But now I know: No headphones!:-))
* When the guy started talking, it scared the crap out me! I was wearing headphones while listening to this, so it was so loud, I thought God suddenly started talking to me!... Great song, though!
* Woah...this is beyond words...
What do you call the music ?!
* Fantastic!
* of course it's not a vid for a meditation but it's still a great video ! i love it, thx for created it !
* I'm listenig this everyday , thx :)
* What a great way to begin my day with a few minutes of great meditation. :) I hope love touches the masses one by one.....it is with the candle of hope and love that we as an individual can reach out to others and break free from our shell of self where we truly rise to the level of no limitations. Lovely!
* I love this. SONG!
* ha. i didn't say that there weren't psychosomatic benefits of music. i understand that. but i crack up at all these "meditation" songs where the decription or comments say "this song awakened my inner god" or "this video changed my life." well, good if it did. but i think the ones that say these things are the ones that don't understand what they are saying. oh, well; believe what makes you feel special. :)
You make a good point mapinkley, but until, you experinse it for yourself. Then you will not know the true power of this song. For example = when I heard this song my blood began to boil and I actualy heard my ansesters speaking in my ear. This song is Magic and maybe we dont understand why it is but it is. So keep your smart-ass coments to your self.
Peace and Love Forever!
Oh please! You heard your ancestors in your ear? LOLOL OMG! I can't stop laughing! I suggest you seek a therapist if you're hearing voices in your EAR while meditating to this. This is so hard and disturbing of focus that even the yogis would laugh. SCREAM it with me..."NO LIMITATION!!!" LOLOL
* woah! i was energetically linked with the movie's energy and a similar process was facilitated with me.
ahaha. i like this beat, but c'mon, guys, all this hocus pocus is rediculous.
* Beautiful. It shows the Divine Within. My deep grattitude.
* Wonderfull Music.
* I checked out "Devotional" by Tabla Beat Science on Itunes, and OMG, that has got to be the best song ever made!!
* Title of this music: Oliver Shanti - Sacral Nirvana (Tai Chi Too album)
* what is Sacred about it ?
* Check out this song. It's "Devotional" by Tabla Beat Science. Also check out, "Bhangra Fever" by Six Degrees 100. Find them on Itunes. These songs will change your life.
* beautiful.... enjoyed it and its music relaxes the soul
* They made a trance version of this song. It's called 'Infinity' by C.J Stone check it on youtube
* found it!
Do a search for "DEWDROPS (Oliver Shanti)"
* i just love the music, whats its genre?
* what instrument is that? i recignise it somewhere but cant put a finger on its name
reminds a bit of japanese shamisen
* Yeah why was a picture from the Lakota ads in there?
* Your correct that escapism(as those that don't escape call it) can lead to spiritual insights. In most cases, however, I would say that unfulfilled desires from escapism may propell a person to be born again. It may be better to totally fulfill our responsabilities until we are really done (as in thoroughly fed up)and see that only Nature really does anything and it's constant repetitions. Music is Awesome power!
* beautiful, I remember this music I first got it about 1996, there as I loved It! Peace.
* this song i can feel while i am ....
* why can i find none of their music on limewire or winmx? It's era era band?
* thank you sooo much! this music is soooo relaxing, yet inspiring to become better human being... i would love to listen on demand... LOL
* Searching for the group?
Oliver Shanti & Friends - Sacral Nirvana ( name of the song - i had to look through the comments lol to find someones reply ) or were you searching for somethig else?
* I can feel it in my blood :)
* this is one of the most touching songs iv ever seen!
* may the world be filled with love and kindness and peace!
* many light in this song, I think that she is a ray of sun for the tired bodies and spirits.. marvelous !
* It's so inspirational the combination of the music with the armonic change of images.
* Thank you for this. I wish that all can know, and i believe they will soon.
* This is a very spiritual sounding song. It heals. we all need healing. Amen
* Listen to Engima-Return to Innocence without the words, its great for meditation.
* Excellent song from meditation. It's uplifting.
* i was just wondering.....how will this change my life??
* Will you be my Friend Here. I love your work!
* thanks... this song it's great!!!
i love the pitcure of Jesus
i wish that our childrens will grow up in a world without persecutions.....
* I love you :'(
* Listening to this while playing poker online lets you forget about all those horrible hands you've been getting the past couple hours!!
* the music is sacral nirvana ! buddha bar :):) amazing
* i am addicted to this music thanku
* Great gift and deeply light. It goes thru my vens...
Powerful, wonderful and merciful....
* Wonderful! Passing along our connectedness through love and eternal blessings.
The Corroboree Love Team
* Beautiful Relaxing Music ! Just Cant Stop Listening To IT ! Lovein IT Lovein IT !
* great music to relaxe and the video is beautifull
* omg, this si like...the best video ever
* this music is Era-Sacral Nirvana...enjoy it..
* My name is Ivan, whats Braziliano, it´s video the Best
* i love it and the music so relaxing as well, it brought me nice memories lol
* very beautiful and the music too native pride forever thanks for sharing with me god bless and peace to all aho
* This is absolutely beautiful, thank you
* beautiful!!!!!!!!! long live our first nation
* can you smoke pot and meditate? i think you can and do so. thank you
* Fantastic, many thanks!
* i have a feeling, i dont know what it is...it's something familiar..do you know the name of this beautiful Native American man?? I must know.
* I found your video about nine months or so ago and it still move me every time I see it. I love it well done.
* "Ye seek and ye shall find." If you seek peace then your seeking will end. You will be at peace with yourself, and nothing is greater than that. When there is peace within, joy and bliss follows. If you want peace of mind, there is a something called self-realization which brings you peace within. you will find a video for self realization at google video under the search "Self Realization: Sahaja Yoga Meditation"
* Incredable... * love it * Beautiful.
* The music is absoultely beautiful and suprisingly uplifting! THANK YOU!!
* Awesome -- Thank you for this!
TheLivingSpirit . com
* thank you....I was seeking a way to meditate.
* peace inside all of you people of the world
* "Come to me" said Saruman, "I'll heal you and show the way" "Waa" said the lambs. "Come to me and I'll love you" said Saruman. "Mmm" said the lambs. "Come to me and I'll rid you of earthly pain" "Ahh" said the lambs. "Give me your souls" said Saruman. BAAA said the sheep who placed their heads in his lap and their minds in his pockets.
* i smoke weed when i meditate
* the purpose of this life is to merge with your true self and feel the love within and be happy prem rawat can show the way to your inner self
* The purpose of Life is encompassed in one single word - which is the same in ALL Religions including "spiritism" (the only exception = "devil-worship") = LOVE !!!
* I only meditate on God's Word. This just makes me think of Him and meditate on Him. ;)
* It doesn't matter who you are, where your from or what you believe...everybody should at least once in their life go through some kind of spiritual journey. Whether it be through meditation, hypnosis or hallucinogens is up to you...
* All things are relative. It will touch you or it will not, this all depends where you are in your soul evolution. If you cannot hear it with your soul then this is not for you and if you can then you know how the energy of love and light touch you direct to your heart center.
* Thanks for that very inspiring
* A beautifull video... I feel very peacefull after watchin it.
* soothing meditation music
* Mesmerizing. Yeh, who is that old indian?
* Awesome and peaceful Lightwork.
* In Eureka, Montana(USA) there is a "cult" for lack of a better word, that believe the time 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM are sacred. If i remember right they think time stops at 11:11. Nive video though, lots of animals, scenery, and other pictures from the Northwest USA. I don't know much about them though.
* Quote: lalemu (2 weeks ago)
What is 11:11? I see that number all the time.
end quote.
11:11 has been there for almost 2 years by now and
I stil have no real idea why...
It has a funny way of poping up everywhere too.
clocks, gas-meters, car-plates, telephone numbers (I live in Japan).
Thanks lozati !
I don't know about me being a light worker though.
But it is an iteresting phenomena.
Though I Don't quite understand it .
* thank you for sharing this with us,it's definitely a beatific experience..would you know what's the band name?
* Greeting from Poland. We are here :-) Thank you.
* The 11:11 is a wake-up call to all lightworksers from our spirit guardians. So if ya see it all the time. You are being told to wake up and spread the light through-out the universe!! Hop to it :)
* This music is absolutely beautiful! I kept saying "Eh-HaYaH-Asheer-Eh-HaWaH" to the beat of the song. How blessed!!!
* i think the music is wonderful and so spiritual thanks
* What is 11:11? I see that number all the time.
I believe it's a common held belief system based off of Mayan prophecies on when the world will end on November 11, 2012 (or somewhere around that date). Notice how one of the tags for this video is "2012"?
I think it may be the next Nostradamus and Y2K induced doomsday "theory".
Hi, thank you for commenting! :-)
It has ALL to 'do' with 2012 (21 dec) and no-thing with 'doom' ... hope I answered your response? :-)
Much Love on your Journey !
When you see 11 all the time, maybe you could try google it for numerology, what that numbers means to you, for you ??
Much Love!
* LaKota it works.
* Thank You! :) Beautiful!! I can't stop coming back and watching again and again.
* This version of Sacral Nirvana is also on Buddha Bar III, and the original is by "Oliver Shanti & Friends." It's one of my favorite songs of all time!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sacred Meditation - Music video- New Age
Posted by
Alpesh Patel
4:35 PM
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