Angel Meditations. colored lights. Ambient minimalism to the max. Abstract impressionism. A small sample of a larger 59:00 min project.
Some comments from you tube to tell the story of the video, quiet interesting from the comments, different minds getting different experiences and different visions, evoked through the music and vision.
* Nice video. Pretty colors. I saw a cat, aliens, rabbit, angel holding a cross and ascending into heaven, demons, Jesus. At the end I felt like I was getting sucked up into a galaxy's black hole
* who can tell me wat is meditation?
* The Seraphim... Protectors of the Dharma...
* great for focusing on positive thoughts and getting out of a negative mindset
* excellent
* it just looks like a bug to me >the whole time...
* Wow.... that's awesome! Glad to hear it!
* Meditation.... I tried it this morning.... so far, no luck..... still, this video is excellent! Dazzling colors! ^_^
Well, I meant that nothing weird happens to me so far..... except stale hands, numb feet, and a hot-temperatured left foot.
* it got rid of my head ache
* amazing video, i could watch it forever!! what did u use to create the video though, i need something like this for my own...cheers
* After you listen to this, the silence seems loud!!! Good vid!!!
* Meditation Not Medication
* It is difficult, but not impossible. With practice, you could meditate in a crowded train station. It's just far easier with quiet. Soft music is very good. I would experiment with different types of music. There really is no right or wrong way to meditate; basically, whatever works for you.
* Awesome, I especially love the change of tone at 1:46
* What an exquisite meditation! Thank you so much for sharing it.
* I more than loved this!!!! I have deep resonance with this particular light presentation and the title. Great job. very healing. Bravo!
* Another possible reason for choppy video playback is that our servers are experiencing high traffic. If this is the case, there's not much you can do. However, we are continuously adding servers to keep up with demand and improve your experience on our site. It's also possible that your video download speed is slow or inconsistent.
* This is youtubes solution to the streaming issue some are having: If a video doesn't play continuously, it may be due to your connection speed. You'll need a broadband connection with at least 500+Kbps for the best viewing experience.
* Im crying this is so beautifull, reminds me my birth.
* Everyone's an expert !! wow- How about we all just enjoy the light show, huh? Enough with the slamming comments. You don't like it? Don't watch. and leave us alone.
* At first all I saw were birds, then at about 3:50 into it I saw demons, then about7:00 into it I saw a face of a man (Jesus). Is it just a coincidence or is it just me?
* I don't see anything except the black screen.
I don't hear the music either.
* beautiful relaxing meditation thankyou for sharing i watched this because during my own meditations i had seen a symbol almost identical to the one on the start of yours although mine had no colour just light
* It works with me. I am very relaxed right now. :)
* this video is super cool !!! and music is
divine !!!
* unbelievable music..
* Very relaxing. I'm sure it's how do angel/demon look like in fact.
* inspiring. thanx a lot.
* The music (noise) is very low vibration astral. It is not good. Take a look at Ted's faves to see where his consciousness is. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
* glad i stopped smoking , messes up your brain , learnt to meditate and its a better more beautiful high than any drug.
look for a proper teacher or meditation group you will never regret it
* God is energy.
* beauty within i did not create this wonderfull video i just commented that i am dark on the outside but a rainbow within as a person, i find this video relaxing love youself and others will follow i am dark and my feeling for people who suffer on this planet are stronge
* For your information, dark angels do exist & they are NOT OF THE LIGHT. If you have aligned yourself with darker angels then you are harming yourself; dark forces hover waiting for a way in to a person so be wary who what you give yourself over to...this comment is given for your Highest Good...most people are unaware of darker spiritual forces. Take care.
replies : i am the moongoddess shineing down light to all who hurt on this planet passing on my light of the rainbow which is in my heart i hold the key tomy own futures paths my friend you are fare to comment iam a dark angel of night wispering the colours of the rainbow to everyone that needs the hand of love i am not satanic i feel sorrow for others and only wish to help them and understand what you are saying thankyou for pointing this out
* I would equate the process with learning a musical instrument. One finds an instrument and begins to spend hours and hours and hours exploring the limitations and possibilities of that instrument. In my case, video cameras and non-linear editing systems are the instrument. I have simply spent countless hours learning the ins and outs of what these instruments can do.
* Very Beautiful. Thankyou very much
* Never heard of it. Is that for PC or Mac?
* and what happens when you stop looking at it...your enlightened?
* thankyou beautiful bit like me in the heart dark on the outside but a rainbow within from dark if in darkness i will bring you the light iam the dark angel of night protecting everyone who suffers in life i light a candel for you all
* Absolutely stunning. How does one learn how to create these?
reply : i think theres a program called chaos that does this, i could never get it to work though...
* Wow. This is beautiful. I saw so many facinating things in the supposedly formless lights. Butterflies, flowers, fairies, dragonflies, and yes, angels. Wonderful video. Thanks. :)
* Thanks what wonderful images and music
* love and light.
* Cool images and great music. Please consider posting this on our new Meditative Shift Group.
* Very mystical thank you
* I like many. It's a beautiful creating. I'am fan of jean-Michel Jarre and your music make me think to his music.
Thank you very much,
* Is it me or do yall feel like youre moving somewhere? Like sitting on a magic carpet or something?
u r right, n it also makes to feel like wandering somehwre in universe. I m an Indian n i know it
* it causes you to relax and not worry about those kinds of things. lol..
* Does meditation cause endorphins to trigger euphoria?
* beautiful thanks
* enjoyed the music and video very much. Thank you.
* I'm not sure if that's the sole reason, however there does seem to be a trend among poker players today. I was listening to another video here on YouTube about rituals before playing and a couple of players said that becuase they were Buddhist, they meditated.
* maybe you ll like meditation with bach music..?
look for vid "bach sarabande jazz guitar" ..
* I've never seen all these colors during meditation. Just indigo and white.
* If you watch the whole video, you'll notice that it is not symmetrical throughout, especially towards the end. :)
* I saw some really weird things, a cross, an angel, Jesus, a devil face, a lion, a cat, a bird, a butterfly and an angel that I can remember. After watching I saw some other comments where other people saw the same things. WOW
* So is it available?
* Absolutely amazing. I always listen to this before and while I play poker. Helps me like you wouldn't believe.
Is that why most poker players are zen buddhists? I play poker in Atlantic City, and a lot and most my poker pals are Zen Buddhists
* If you have high blodd pressure, watch this and maintain your breathing. It reallyhelps lower your blood pressure 30 to 40 points. Plus you feel more relaxed afterword.
* this is real magic. thank you so much
* why? it was beautiful!
* Very nice work.
* hey, if anyone can answer my question... i'm new to learning meditation, and the book said "it is difficult to focus with noise, make sure everything is quiet.". but can one listen to soft music, for example the music used in this, during meditation?
Soft music is perfect to use. Try one of the many new age cds available out there which enable you to focus on the usic and not your thoughts. The one I come back to time and time again is entitled 'Temple in the Forest' by David Naegele. A few years old now, but excelent nevertheless.
* so... mezmerizing....
* Hmm, sounds very good to use in a meditation
* i saw so many things jesus gurus gods lion in the end i guess temples great work thanks
* just as angels does
* Elegant. Have you ever tried to do something not symmetrical?
* haha, i saw optimus prime too! :D
* Wonderful! Passing along our connectedness through love and eternal blessings.
The Corroboree Love Team
* i saw everything sticky saw.. but then i saw a gun...
* GOd!
* i saw a cross and devil O.o
* WOW! Let me start by saying I am not under the influence of anything(right now...I seen a beautiful bird, a cat, an angle whose heart was lifting to heaven, a praying mantis, an alien, I could go on & on...if this is the effect the producers of this vid were after, well, it worked on me. Beautiful.
* I meditated on the Chakras while watching this. It has all the different colors to focus on.
* Are the colors supposed to invoke energy/mental focus or anything? Because I started to feel better while watching it.
* honestly i just use this as a great thing to do when im stoned.. i go places and shit.. its quite interesting.. i just sit there really and afterward i feel like i just had an out of body experiance. ha silly pot
* then you should learn...find somewhere quiet/silent, then close yur eyes and listen...and see what your mind shows you :-)
* HOw am I supposed t o get anything out of this? I don't know how to meditate :(
* Okay, I gave it a shot. I haven't meditated for a long time. It was amazing how much junk I have just under my consciousness. I don't know if it was the video or that I let so much pile up, but a lot of that *junk* slipped away faster than when I used to meditate.
* Simple and very affective, it works.
* very good job, it is amazing, beautiful
* The steadiness of the music makes it quite effective; there isn't any distracting musical clutter.
Except noisy girlfriend's...o wait thats just here...
* The music vibrates the core of my being--very cool video. Thanks for sharing!
* Awesome.
TheLivingSpirit . com
* wonderful video
* This is awesome great colours and also great visuals effects, thank you very much... peace for all of you.
* beautiful colours. thank you.
* namaste
* Wow, it's inspiring... I've remember my path.
Thank you
* really nice. thankyou
* Let's go 2 the 3rd Heaven now!
2 meet our Creator!
* Hi,
I have anxiety and inner thoughts that scare me alot. Sort of compulsive thoughts, they tell me to go to lots of Phychology therapies. I need help. If you can please do. Thank you
* you wrote: they tell me to go to lots of Phychology therapies. WHo's they?
* That's pretty neat.
* This was very relaxing...
Oh, I saw a tranformer and my sis saw a kitteh in the colors. That was kewl.
* I love it and would like to get (buy) the dvd??
* hurts my eyes a bit but i like it
* Great post! very useful for relaxation!
Thanks so much
* Beautiful,Beautiful,Beautiful q hermoso gracias
* Beautiful meditation. Thank you.
* I love the graphic end sond
* great sythesis of the arts!!!
wonderful meditative relaxing trip
THANK YOU for sharing this!!!
* perfect color use, perfect for chakra balance just focus on it and let the colors flow in and through you.
* exquisite imagery and colors. great meditation. -- D.
Shit, i shouldnt have read your comment before watching this!
I just had to laugh and partly i was afraid ;D
* Didn't see jesus or any angels... saw some alien faces, a killer psychedelic bunny, three headed squirrels. Hmm, I'd almost say it's like a rorshach test.
* what programs you use please ???
* if you look intot he middle the whole time you see crazy things like:jesus, angel, cross (jesus on it), and other freaken crazy things.
* loved it
* it wasnt so much the colors that got me. it was the music
i closed my eyes and i felt energy flowing through me. now im completly at peace
great job!
* This beautiful piece is dedicated for Jen, who has shown that she is a true angel.Thank you for your great kindness and support in our fight agaist Marilyn Monroe fraud.
* it's so easy to make faces. the end felt great thanks
* I started zen at 14, kundulini at 17, and taoism at 22
after 20 years of meditation, i find this video. For 8 minutes I stared at pretty colors, but that's all I saw. No mind, no form. No form, no illusions.
* awsome...i saw some crazy shit in there,seals,lions,bats,a boy swimming,various chinese warriors...damn that was awsome...
* I'm curious as to how you created the graphics for this? Thanks! :)
* this is fantastic - love the colour tones.
* Watching this video reminded me of the concept of using ink blots to determine how a person sees things/how a person thinks. I discovered about myself some interesting insights from the interpretations of what I was viewing.
* Truly amazing.
* Exceedlingly cool and well done!
* this is awesome.. is the final 59' minutes project already available or still in production? and where to find it? thanks in advance!
* Fantastic!!! View with a pair of ChromaDepth glasses and it will blow your mind.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Angel meditation - Video
Posted by
Alpesh Patel
1:42 PM
Labels: meditation music videos
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Everyone have the David Naegeke's Dreamscapes?