darkangeljoy : I created this for my friend Julia using clips from the film Little Buddha and Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know". Created on January 3, 2005.
Some comments from utube
* Great combination of video and song. Perhaps you can add something to stress the importance of Buddha's last teaching which is that kindness should not be extended to humans alone but to all living creatures including the smallest of us such as ants and insects. Great job!
Reply : Thank you very much! I wish there was something in the film where it showed that. I don't think they did though. If i'm wrong, please let me know. It's interesting that you mention that though. I was reading a book awhile ago about this and they said that Buddhist belief is not to take any life, not even a spiders just because you're scared of it. I have done this. It's interesting to think that every little thing we do can impact the world around us and how it changes our karma.
* really nice song. the video is amazing.
* "Develop the mind of equilibrium.
You will always be getting praise and blame,
but do not let either affect the poise of the mind:
follow the calmness, the absence of pride."
Lord Buddha.
* i luv this but i hate the song!
* sadu sadu sadu
* I disagree. The Dhamma stresses helping others when ever possible. Generosity and kindness are essential to enlightenment, if you only think about yourself you will develop greed. "As a mother would give her life to protect her only child, so too must I dwell for all sentient life" The Buddha stopped 4 wars by walking out onto the battlefield. he led by example.
reply : Yes, that's why I said "do good for others"... by that I mean... help them, be kind to them. It's the same message, just different words.
* wow. what a strong, effective union of spiritual cinematic imagery and dramatically poignant music. i love how it introduces a personal symbolic implication to a (great)song that personally found to be annoyingly vague.
reply : That's the magic of music. It's the way the listener interprets it. Personally, when I listen to it...it's a spiritual song... and I thought it fit the story of Buddha pretty well so I merged the two. :)
great job. i would have never thought to associate the life of the Buddha with that song. it's amazing, especially, how well the lyrics sync up with the imagery from that movie.
Thank you very much ahrynz!! :)
* I like what you are saying about helping the world. I think that what the Buddha teaches about right means might be useful here. We have to think about whatis going to actually help the world. The buddha teaches that we ourselves, should become enlightened first. Then we will know what to do. We should have some realization first. Otherwise we will not be heard. We do not need to worry that much really. Only about ourselves should we worry now, I think.
replies : I think you're right danielanoel. I'm not Buddhist but I believe in both Buddha and God/Jesus. A lot of people will say that i'll run into conflict believing in both. I think though, just as in life, we can learn from all those around us. Not just one thing. The variety of life. I believe that all religions meet at a point.
The basic message is...Do good for others, help improve life, and stay true to who you are. They walked their paths and didn't let anyone change their direction. Most importantly, they followed their heart.
keep following the heart no matter what anyone says. that is great!
* The Lord Buddha is sooo Wonderful!
* Some believe Buddha is an incarnation of Lord Krishna.
Meditation to increase life force cosmic energy. Also breathing exercises, regulated sex or celibacy. There are 72,000 nadis holding this energy system. Brahmarendra located in the brain is called the cavity of Brahman. This is the gateway to higher levels of consciousness, genius, inspiration and even insanity ? Most mystics, prophets, messiahs and holymen may have experienced this. Kundalini and Chi energy are the same.
* Beloved Buddha born 500 B.C. to a ruling class family. When the cobra comes up and shelter him while meditating represents Kundalini. Kundalini is snake like energy or shakti moving thru the chakras to higher levels of consciousness.
* Only if we can just learn to love what we already OWN than to love what we haven't life is so much easy and happier.
* Free will, this world is your. Because in your eyes this world belong to you not anyone else. And when someone die their world end with them.
You can make heavenly or hellish its up to you. Free will
* ...Oh simple things, were have you gone...
* we only imagine we are independent. We are not.Call it what you will "Father" "karma" is why you end up in "Hell" or Heaven . Hell or Heaven are states of mind. Believe in Father or karma same results different view.
* this movie really make me cry.
* Gr8 work! Love it
* GOD is like a Father and we are like his Children. Once a Father say somthing, it doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, the children cant challenge his words. The children has no freedom over the Father. I don't wanna live a life without Freedom or rights. I dont wan to be like a sheep that always follow and go with the herd, i want to be independent and free.
* The different between Buddha and God is that Buddha is like a Teacher and God is like a Father. A teacher doesnt force u go but only show u the ways to go to Heaven or enlightment. He is more happy, he won't blame or send u to hell if u find the better Paths for ur enlightment.
* Basically all the great teachers, such as Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, or Mohammed, founded their new teachings with a motivation of helping their fellow humans. They did not mean to gain anything for themselves or to create more trouble or unrest in the world." Amen to that!
* A basic goal is the benefit of humankind- each type of system seeking in its own unique ways to improve human beings. If we put too much emphasis on our philosophy, religion, or theory, are too attached to it, and try to impose it on other people, it makes trouble.
* So funny. I just finished reading a book called "Taming The Mind" by Thubten Chodron and in it says something almost identical to what I posted earlier. This is a quote from His Holiness the Dalai Lama... "The motivation of all religious practice is similar- love, sincerity, honesty. The way of life of practically all religious persons is contentment. The teachings of tolerance, love, and compassion are the same.
* Continued--I don't want to be part of that. Everything grows, dies, and moves on. It's up to all of us to use what time we have left to try to help heal the world. That to me is impermanence.
* Continued---It's a very hard lesson to do but through many religions you'll see that even if it was Buddha, Jesus...or whomever...they never once let hate enter their heart. It was always love, and love for everyone no matter who they were. It's a good lesson to carry forward as so many people fill their hearts with hate instead of love.
* I've been reading a bit about this and impermanence. I can say that it's very true. Nothing lasts forever. Even our favourite moments or things don't. So it's best to just live each moment as if it were our last and to treat everyone with kindness even if they are our enemy or treat us poorly.
* I only can say: wonderful
* we born to live and to die, then we reborn again and die again. the moment is now! reincarnation is inevitable.
* Keanu us buddhism right? i think he indonesian or malaysia. much respect. -be awaken
reply : I'm not exactly sure but I heard Keanu is into Buddhism but isn't practicing. I could be wrong though. His father is Hawaiian and his mother is English. Sites say he is...Irish, English, Portuguese, Hawaiian, Chinese. Hope this helps. :)
* Love Keanu and wanted to say great job editing. Thanks
* In 100 years we will all be dead.
That is impermanence.
* Follow your hearts and minds and you will find your teacher
* continue your investigation. Have confidence in your feelings. Finding the right teacher is not easy.
* Im on the edge of foing forth on my own, and I just saw that video, at the perfect moment, it was a moment of truth and filled my heart with courage.
Anicca, Anatha, Dukkha
Friday, April 4, 2008
Little Buddha Music Video - Somewhere Only We Know
Posted by
Alpesh Patel
8:31 PM
Labels: Buddha music videos
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