A Rumi poem fused with images and music.
see more: Stars on a Dark Night
Sufi Stories and Sufi Poems, i have always loved.
Some comments from the lovers of Rumi and Sufism on you tube will tell more about this beautiful divine video
* am doing a project for class on the poetry of Rumi. Was this a poem he actually wrote? If so, what is the title?
I see the video as very beatiful and powerful. Good job.
Reply : Yes, Rumi actually wrote this poem. After Rumi all other poets seem pale to me. I can't remember the name of the poem now, but I believe that I got this from a Coleman Barks book.
Good luck on your class project. Great subject matter!
* Very beautiful, but I hope western advertisers never hear of Rumi because his beautiful poetry will be used to sell liquid plasma tv's, computers and all the other inane pieces of transient rubbish that assail our senses and distract us from an inner life; all mindless consumers who follow the Wal-Mart road to happiness
* Lets become one and make love cause life is short dont fill ur heart with hate cause we really dont have time to waste.lets coexist! we are all human and have the same value, borders are not made by nature so lets cross them and make love.
* I am so proud that Afghanistan/Balkh gave birth to a man like rumi, Afghanistan might look like ruined and distroied by wars but in ancient times it was called the mother of the cities and place for a great civilization!
* Yes, DO IT NOW, because NOW is all that exists!
WAKE UP, as many are now doing, with the gates of heaven, more open, as never before......RUMI knew!
* This video and wisdom brings me such healing as I grieve my mother. Love divided.
Life is so much to be revered. I spent most of my life thinking I was running to something, but I was really running away. Precious is what we have, and all of it purely temporary. Seems to me only time separates each of us in the final analysis.
May all you people out there live with ease.
reply : Thank you for the beautiful comments. May God heal your sorrows and bring you peace at heart.
Do not feel sorrow for your losted love ones, see it as a reminder of your true purpose in life. This life is temporary and a distraction to your true purpose. Worship Allah Subhanna wa Tallah. Take your share of your dunyah, but do not divulge init
* wonderfull , superb thanks for posting hugs to y'all ^_^
* Now my friends, now is the time to realize our brotherhood in god, to realize our oneness in Him.I am really happy to meet you here, to feel your love and understanding. That gives me a great relief. Surely it is all by the grace of the lord!May he allways shower his mercy on you.
* Beatiful ! great job !
The Poem is very nice I really love it: )
Inside this new love...die.
Your way begins on the other side
Become the sky !
Walk out like someone suddenly born into color...do it now
Nice : )
* Oh, my god, a Masterpiece.
* I agree with you mr.Buddho1953 , each of us has a responsibility towards the world to forward the beauty,wisdom & strength of our individual conviction and that is what the Master Rumi and all of the Sufimaster do.. instead of sowing hate in the hearts of people and and inciting the people to hate eachother !!
* Rumi was a real mystic like christ and this is a real beautiful video. Thanks a lot!
* Sufism is wonderful. I am forever influenced by Rumi and Hazrat Khan.
* By reading the teaching of Sufi masters we are forced to listen more to our divine feelings,-thoughts and -aspirations !! It keeps us refrain from VIOLENCE !! Arent we creatures, all invisibly connected from the sandstone, the plants to furthest solar system in the universe ?? Having this thought i feel ashamed looking at all the bloodshed caused in the name of our Holy Messenger or Allah...Reading Sufi teachings gives me more & deeper insight in our Holy Al-Quoran .. so be it !!
* Rumi's poetry, the music by Safri Duo (Adagio), and the pictures make for a very moving and extremely beautiful video! No words can really describe the beauty...
* ...and because he was a genius poet,he was able to bring attention to his ideas very affectively
I find some of the comments on mainstream Muslims rather hurtful...
reply : ...Please don't say that...it makes me cry...I have his poem 'say I am you' written in calligraphy and framed in my house...
* ..and are our deepest feelings, thoughts and aspirations NOT rooted in the divine ?? Isn't that what the Sufi Master are trying to teach us... isn't that what we are trying to feel when we sit with our arms open for prayer ??
* Yes...Rumi's poems do tend to have a calming effect,on ones psyche...but of course not every thing in life or actually in the world is as straight forward as we think or would like it to be...after all who/what teachings was Rumi influenced by? what believes governed his loving mind?...The only difference between him and an ordinary 'momin' is that of personality, Rumi upheld the principles of brother hood among mankind.
* The Sufi poems of Master Rumi or Master Inayat Khan is part of the mystic & spiritual Light of Islam !! It is SUFISM that the ignorant and "spiritual illiterate" mainstream muslims need !! It is Sufism that can teach us to refrain from violence !!
* Rumi still exists! He is reborn through his poems every time we read them. His spirits lives on because it is so connected to the Divine. He is a door for us.
* I dont even believe in god, and RUMI helps me touch the DIVINE!!!
* Superb ... this music with these words and these images are like wine ... They can make u drunk but without drinking !
* my friend, those are nice words, but you are basically saying that if all people THINK the same there would be peace.
true peace in my mind is when people regardless of their religion, faith, race, creed, nationality are truly able to live in harmony. now that would be a beautiful thing.
* As a Hindu, I have much respect for Rumi and the Sufis. They are the truest devotees of God this planet has ever seen.
Reading a single line of Rumi's poetry gives me more peace than reading all the scriptures and religious books in the world.
One Love.
* Sufi derives from greek Sophos or Sofos=wise
* very strong/ good luck for pain,thirst and love. some sufis mourn about pain but some yearn for pain.
* get drunk! tear off your cloths,Get naked,belittle yourself,lose your religion,lose your heart become a loser,then you may get a glimps of love.
* what a powerful piece. thank you for doing this .I watch it often.
* This is truly beautiful and worth listening to!
* Beautiful-I felt enveloped within the Universal Heart-the centre of Unity-no separation-no tribes-no creeds-no differences-a place of knowing all is One. The open heart welcomes All knowing that al Life is Sacred. A Friend.
* Beautiful, reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's teachings, you are right Nadia Sufism is a branch of Islam.
* Proud to be Persian. cuz Rumi is a persian
* Absolutely love the song. (:
* Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
* Wonderful!!It touched my heart!!
* This really is a beautiful ...thanks for the upload :) Mavlana Jalaluddin Balkhi Rumi(September 30, 1207--December 17, 1273)was born in Balkh (then a city of Greater Khorasan in Persia, now part of Afghanistan) and died in Konya (in present-day Turkey). His birthplace and native language/local dialogue indicates a Persian heritage.
* You are ALL the greatest poets ever.
* Thanks for sharing this Very beautiful poem...Peace be upon Mavlana Jalaluddin Balkhi Rumi
* the greatest poet ever period
* September 11th 3BC. 888 . 2012 . Love and Peace.
* wow i luv Jalal ad-Din Rumi his the best
* Thank you for putting the feeling of the moments of Reading Rumi into film. I have been reading since 1984, and it is so great to see this expressiong in such resonance of understanding, of becoming the poems.
* We are all inside the dark cloud now. Slide out the side to escape. Make noise to tell; we are still alive. Do it now... Wisdom eternal, and sage advice for this night.
* This will always bring tears to my eyes and everytime i see it your name comes to mind like echo and i truly beleive this is the one good memory of you i will cherish for a long time..thanx for sharing with me Ahmet..love Diane
* Rumi is one of the Greatest Poets of All Times and Countries, of all Humanity
* Absolutely beautiful and inspiring. Well done on the meaning, the graphics, the music. Excellent.
* Simply Beautiful!
* NOTE: This is not a forum for discussing Rumi's ethnicity, nationality, or language he wrote in. These offer nothing in the way of insight into his poetry.
All current and future comments referring to nationality, etc. will be deleted.
* "He whom the sages have been seeking in all these places is in our own hearts; the voice that you heard was right, says Vedanta, but the direction you gave to the voice was wrong."
-Swami Vivekananda
* That is what I meant yes. I heard that illuminated people like budha have reached the total silence or emptiness througu meditation and saw death, I also heard that you can experience death while you are still alive if you are illuminated.
* There are two types of death in Sufism...
The material death and the biological death. In Mowlana's case, his material death is proclaimed when Shams al-haqq-e tabrizi vanished.
* well, Buddhists don't really believe in God.. but I see what you're saying.
Sufism is almost identical to Advaita Vedanta though, which teaches that there is no difference between Creator and Creation, God is present in every atom of the universe.
* Great poem,sufis think in some waylike budhists,they seek the truth or God from the inside of oursleves .I think Rumi tried to say thatyour ego,desire and fear are your enemies, you prison wall, take an axe and crush them all, walk away from them and disolve with your inner consciousness now,don't be fooled by yourself,meditate,and see death by yourself,your physical life was just an escape from the truth, the only truth which lies inside you,the truth is clear now.
* Love's nationality is separate from all other religions,
The lover's religion and nationality is the Beloved (God).
The lover's cause is separate from all other causes
Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries
* the god of Rumi is Allah. If only the muslims today could produce fruits of faith and love, like Shaykh Muhammed Jalaluddin Rumi did. ya Allah
* He was a tajik persian, born in Khorassan, wich would later be counqered by the brittish and made into western afghanistan.
* Balkh was always a part of IRan untill 1830 when the brittish empire invaded and merged it with their western coloni, today balkh is in Afghanistan, before it was in Khorassan eastern Iran.
* Magnificent...moves you to tears...
* WOw Amazing Rumi once siad "Humanity will drink from the flow of my poetry"
* Moulana Jalaudin Romi!his imagenatins are out of my imagenation.
* Rumi was tapped into the Divine Reality, which is unlimited and Infinite; our human imaginations are very limited and often mislead us as to what is Real.
* Some intellects are like the Sun. Some are similar to the planet Venus, and some are similar to the shooting stars.
Some intellects are like a lightness candle, whereas some others glitter like stars." (Mesnevi, V/762-63)
* There is another soul in your soul, seek out for it. There is a treasury in the Mount Body, seek out for that treasury. O mystic who goes on ! If you are really capable then seek. Not outside , but seek what you are seeking for in yourself." (Rubais, 22)
* mevlana says all people is like created by same dough to make bread
some breads are long ,some are short, diffrent shape
but still same bread from same dough
some are afgan some english ,no matter
* you are welcome ,thank you for sharing beautiful rumi videos with us
we need rumi in our life like a man in dessert need water
* nice... it dissolves me... thanks for awakening of the emotional moments in this strange world, life... sometimes...; I've needed to listen to it and to read words just for my gladless today. Thanks from Czech.
* All the racist Turks, Iranians (including Afghans), and Arabs should watch this movie. And they should read the works of Rumi, Haji Baktash, and Yonus Emre.
* have a thirsty fish in me
that can never find enough
of what it's thirsty for!
* Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!
Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence
* Drink all your passion,
and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes
to see with the other eye.
Open your hands,
if you want to be held.
Sit down in this circle.
* rahmama2
You are right.. is the MESSAGE of love that is meaningful.. Thank you.. beautiful and I love Rumi...!
He belongs to the world... his message is unque !
* nice vid this vid give me peace and meaning of life i like it its wonderful to know what to do today by love and joy.
* Sufism/Tassawuf is the inner reality of Islam, and the majority of Sunni Muslim scholars have accepted this. In fact, all the great Sufi masters were adherents of traditional Islam, such as Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (a Hanbalite scholar and founder of Qadiri order), Bahauddin Naqshband (founder of Naqshbandi order) as well as Rumi, a Hanafi scholar, who declared:
I am the servant of the Qur'an as long as I have life.
I am the dust on the path of Muhammad, the Chosen one.
* Rumi's place is in the heart...which knows no bounds.
Read his message, not his biography.
* May Sufism become once again the Light of Islam
Friday, March 28, 2008
Rumi: Sufi Poem
Posted by
Alpesh Patel
8:01 PM
Labels: Sufi Poems
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