Law of Attraction
Have you ever pondered upon the thought as to why do unsolicited or solicited things happen to you in your life. At some point of time when things go hay wire we start questioning ourselves and try to figure it out all the time “Why is the universe doing this to me ?”; “I don’t deserve this “; “This is not my fault “; “Why me?” or when something wonderful happens to us we tend to brag and celebrate the same and are often heard saying “This is here because of me!”. Well the reason is The Universal Law of Attraction we create our own realities. We attract things we want and we also attract things we don't want.
The Law of Attraction is that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest themselves. You see, when you give your attention, energy and focus to something, the Law of Attraction checks in with you and gives you more of whatever you are placing your attention on. Hence we could say that “ We attract to ourselves, whatever we give our focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted."
To be precise we could say that the Law of Attraction is all about vibes (vibrations). Vibes are nothing but our moods and feelings. The vibes that you send (generated from your moods and feelings), are either negative vibes or positive vibes which Law of Attraction is always responding to by matching and giving you more of the same. So everything you’re attracting is a result of the vibrations that you are sending. In short, what you’re getting is what you’re vibrating.
Hence to lead a content joyful life full of abundance you need to take full accountability for everything you attract, both the negative and positive. Now that you are aware that you yourself are the creator of your own reality you must begin creating the reality you truly want by making decisions and holding intentions. The most natural and easiest way to do this is to pay attention to your emotions, by focusing on the positive and withdrawing from the negative emotions. If you feel that your focus is drifting towards the negative emotions then you need to revert back your focus towards the positive emotions and your emotional state will improve rapidly. As you do this repeatedly, you’ll begin to see your physical reality shift too, first in subtle ways and then in bigger leaps.
At the end of the day its all about what you think is what you get; so why not think positive and be positive.
The Secret to You..A Gift From The Secret Scrolls.
The Secret is a beautifully crafted video which reveals this most powerful law in the universe. It explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create - intentionally and effortlessly - a joyful life. This is the secret to everything - the secret to unlimited happiness, love, health and prosperity.
This is the secret to life:
· Today is the beginning of my new life
· I am starting over today
· All good things are coming to me
· I am grateful to be alive
· I see beauty all around me
· I live with passion and purpose
· I take time to laugh and play everyday
· I am awake, energized and alive
· I focus on all good things in life
· And give thanks for them
The following comments are from you tube of the people who were inspired by watching this inspirational video :
* Suddenly, I want to live.
* This made me cry, seriously I felt WORTHY of existance!
* Thank you for sharing. What a benefit this morning to have seen this segment of The Secret again. Life can be and is beautiful. Sending positive energy out to all that read this and wishing my best to you.
* this belief is so simple yet powerful, it puts the control of your life right in your hands, no one else to blame anymore, u r awaken now to make ur life and what u want, it really works, all u need is faith in the universe and goodwill always.
* tension creates unnatural negative thoughts so relax and the really be these positive thoughts you have to repeat them to yourself until they're habit and in your subconcious mind:)
* feel the power of an awesome power yourself and what you can do if you believe in yourself
* that is an awsome story...i know the secret works and i use it everyday. it truly is life changing...
* I own a copy of the secret and I use it everyday, it really works.This music and visual stimulation it makes me want to cry because I realize it's all true. Even Jesus said so. check the bible it tells you...Matthew 17:20 and 21:21 and 7:7 and 21:22 and John 16:24 as well as Luke ll:9
* I applied the secret, take a look at the home I just bought!
* this stuff really works. love it ;p
* Great interpretation of the way we should see things. These little movies are a great way to start your day off. To your success
* Thanks for sharing that story of the $5 bills. That's brilliant :)
* I really got tears on my face when this triler end, in this simple but so wise words can we resume all life!
* What an inspirational way to begin each day! Thanks for sharing.
* a fantastic video, cant wait to read the book! heard so much good things about it
* the book is SO good rhonda gives lots of tips on how to live ur life w/ the secret
* ..i just think i have to watch it again, to remind me of the things it did to me.. for the past months i have fully understood the real meaning of "the secret" i have had silent wishes and i believed in them.. and the next thing i know im living it! you dont even have to do anything, its the universe that attracts you to it and of course you have to welcome all the positive openings for it..:)
* So now I am holding more cash in my hands than I have ever seen with my own eyes. Yes, money isn't everything, life is. That's what The Secret provides for people like me, beyond physical boundaries and more into the spiritual side of life. There are no limits. Period. That's what The Secret is all about.
* I think it's however you look at it. Regardless of what kind of energy you're attracting, the idea that "likes" attract cannot be denied. People have been saying phrases like "smile at the world and the world will smile back at you" for thousands of years and it has nothing to do with money. It's about being positive and realizing that that positive energy will come right back at you. It's in so many religions and philosophies all around the world.
* at first i had a hard time applying the principles of the secret, because of so many thoughts coming to my mind. then i used my emotion as my guidance system, my life has started to change. i have inner joy and moeney is starting to come easy..thank you also for all the good comments it reinforced my belief to use the secret. god bless us all.
* I asked for something small today....$10 and throughout the day spoke of how grateful I am for sooo many things. I got to work and walking to my building my friend stopped me and gave me 3 GREAT CD's he recorded for me and as I looked down when I was Thanking him and walking away........... I found 2 $5 bills :)
* "Heaven is being one with God" -Confusius
God is within all mankind...u must only consciously acknowledge this omniscient substance within your mind...conflate with it consciously and your "heart of gold" shall invariably manifest..."I and my Father are one" said Jesus of Nazareth...the goal for all mankind is to manifest God's spiritual mind into one's mortal turn thinking and acting in accord with this tenet...LOOK INSIDE YOU FOR YOUR HEART OF GOLD..THIS MESSAGE IS FOR U
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Universal Law of Attraction
Posted by
11:25 AM
Labels: Law of attraction
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The Secret is the latest and by far the worst example of a HIGHLY profitable trend where self-help gurus with fabricated new age titles and little relevant education, credentials or legitimate expertise brainwash us into believing that they know what is best for us, our marriages and our families.
ReplyDeleteOften their only contribution to society is introducing some exotic sounding, new age philosophy. However, they often cleverly form an incestuous group of like-minded “experts” who cross-promote each other by swearing their success is due to following the beliefs of another member of their “cult!” All the while, they ply the airwaves jockeying for an ever-larger audience by appearing in the national media to garner third-party endorsements.
The Self-Help Movement has become the Self-Destruct Movement by diminishing or destroying our critical thinking skills to choose and evolve on our own. We have given up the freedom to build healthy lives, marriages and families based on our unique history and life experience. Instead many victims, blinded to the value of their own life experiences, are attracted to the latest secret in self-help, in an attempt to find out what they should think, feel and how they should act... this is the definition of a cult.
The solution is a return to our (common) senses! The best way out of this learned “self-helplessness” is to go cold turkey. Stop following ALL self-help gurus now. Begin, instead, to reclaim your natural, God-given ability to think for yourself. The common sense that was once readily available to all of us is still there free of charge and waiting to be applied to just about any challenge we might face in life… all you have to do is use it.
Please, let's all work together to stop the flock of "sheepeople" who blindly move from one UNPROVEN concept to the next, looking for the answers to life's challenges that you already possess and that is the OBVIOUS!
Great and meaningful comment J Curtis!